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Your location:Home  > News  > Industry news  > How to understand the working principle of 4-digit nixie tube?
How to understand the working principle of 4-digit nixie tube?
Release time:2020-12-30 13:55 Number of Views:1130
How to understand the working principle of 4-digit nixie tube? Four digit nixie tube is a kind of semiconductor light-emitting device, and its basic unit is light-emitting diode. It can display four digital tubes, which are called four digit digital tubes. According to the number of segments, the nixie tube is divided into seven segment nixie tube and eight segment nixie tube. The eight segment nixie tube has one more LED unit (one more decimal point display) than the seven segment nixie tube;

According to the connection mode of LED unit, it is divided into common anode nixie tube and common cathode nixie tube. The common anode nixie tube is a kind of nixie tube that connects the anodes of all light-emitting diodes to form a common anode (COM). When the common anode nixie tube is applied, the common pole com should be connected to + 5V. When the cathode of a field led is at low level, the corresponding field will light up. When the cathode of a certain field is at high level, the corresponding field will not be on.

The 4-digit nixie tube needs to use the driving circuit to drive each segment code of the nixie tube. According to the number of segments, the nixie tube is divided into seven segments and eight segments. Eight section nixie tube has one more LED unit than seven section nixie tube (one more decimal point display); according to how many "8" can be displayed, it can be divided into 1-digit, 2-digit, 4-digit nixie tube; according to the connection mode of LED unit, it can be divided into common anode nixie tube and common cathode nixie tube. The common anode nixie tube is a kind of nixie tube that connects the anodes of all light-emitting diodes to form a common anode (COM).
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